Destiny Matrix Chart

The Matrix of Destiny is one of the systems of self-knowledge along with human design, astrology, numerology, socionics, etc.

It is one of the simplest yet incredibly profound systems and tools. The elemental calculations and knowledge of the 22 energies will give you a complete picture of not only your personal strengths and weaknesses, but will also inform you about the birth tasks of your father and mother, show you their purpose, tasks and lessons from their incarnation, personal energies to attract partners and money into your life.

But that's not all!

Using the Destiny Matrix Chart, you can determine the underlying causes of events in your life and also see what energy controls your life in a given period and what must be done to transfer the current energies from negative to positive.

The method is based on your date of birth and the ancient Knowledge about the 22 main energies of the Universe. The purpose of this method is not only to provide you with a system of coordinates, but also to give you practical recommendations to improve your destiny.